Limited hours supportUnlimited hours supportWhich IT support
option offers the best
synergy for your business?
Limited hours supportUnlimited hours supportWhich IT support
option offers the
best synergy for
your business?

We’re lowering
IT support costs

Working with Synergy is all about flexibility and choice so When it comes to IT, we know that with any technology solution there will be challenges along the way, it’s why we believe there’s a synergy to the way we deal with these issues and the continuing trust clients place in us.

With clients such as Express Newspapers, X4 Group and Key Currency, our clients tell us what sets Synergy apart is the bringing together of bespoke consultative advice and consistently meeting our clients’ requirements.

Our flexible IT support packages flips traditional support on its head. Unlike other providers, we put our client’s interests first by offering a fixed price no matter how many queries are raised in a month and five tiers of support levels, tailored to the needs of each of your individual users’ requirements, to enable every business to have access to our experience, friendly, engineers, no matter the budget, the Synergy offering focuses on lowering your business costs whilst never compromising on the quality or security of our solutions. With prices starting from just £5.00 per user per month there is expert IT cover to suit every pocket.

Book a Free Consultation

We’ll analyse your existing set up with you business needs and provide you with our recommended solution.

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020 3551 7773

Want to find out how we can lower your costs,
here are the next steps…

We will review your existing support levels, what each users’ requirements are, carry out a free Wellness Health Check on your current IT set up which will highlight identifying what’s good, what can be made good, and what is needs urgent attention. Following the Wellness Health Check we will discuss various ideas around getting the best level of IT support and the most from your IT budget.

Why Synergy?

SynergyGroup was established based on a foundation of better collaboration between clients, best of breed third-party providers, and a dedicated expert team.

With over 30 years experience, we continue to provide high-quality independent advice, with a range of tailored products and services that are delivered to enable businesses to develop and grow. Together we can help identify future needs and objectives, advising on how businesses can improve and deliver on their objectives with the effective use of technology maximising the competitive advantage a Distributed and Inclusive Workforce can afford a growing business.

Businesses we help

How Synergy supported Key Currency in making £700m of FX transactions

Key Currency work collaboratively with Synergy to support delivery of our long-term business’s goals. As a money transfer service, it’s essential that our technology platform is robust, secure and useable for our clients; if we fail on any of these counts they’ll just take their business elsewhere.

“Over the past 12 months, Key Currency have transacted over £700 million of foreign exchange in 39 different currencies. Synergy, as a key partner, have played a big part in that achievement.”

Men working in office
Men working in office

Key Currency work collaboratively with Synergy to support delivery of our long-term business’s goals. As a money transfer service, it’s essential that our technology platform is robust, secure and useable for our clients; if we fail on any of these counts they’ll just take their business elsewhere.

“Over the past 12 months, Key Currency have transacted over £700 million of foreign exchange in 39 different currencies. Synergy, as a key partner, have played a big part in that achievement.”

Who we’ve worked with

Who we’ve
worked with

Find out how we can lower your costs

Our free consultation is the place to start