Our Team

The SynergyGroup team and our culture has been developing for over 20 years. Being defined by how we all behave with clients and one another; resolving challenge and sharing success. We love to see you succeed and we are passionately customer focused; striving to see things through our customers eyes. Showing proactivity by continually looking for ways to improve our clients’ businesses. We work in partnership to build enduring relationships; based upon always being open and honest and honouring our commitment to support our clients’ commercial success.

Our team has a set of principles to guide our behaviour:

Our Company values Icon

Our company

How we like to
do things around here

Care about our company icon

Care about
our company

Supporting each other
to learn and grow

Love our clients icon

Love our clients

Giving without asking
in pursuit of customer happiness

Energy and passion icon

Show energy
& passion

Be yourself,
have fun & enjoy it

Above and beyond icon

Go above
‘n’ beyond

Striving to go further
to achieve more

Your Technology Partner

Call us today on 0800 915 6666